Friday 24 November 2023

Danish Reform

Denmark ka ek chota sa reform jo karke acha laga , so thought to share :

Last year , around January , when I  used to commute in public transport to drop my son at school , something unusual happened . In public buses ,  continuous Ads run on T.V screen.

It was as usual until one day,  I saw an obscenely adult clip on the same screen, which left me shocked.

Public buses where people from 5  to 80 years of age travel everyday , that bus displayed this level of obscenity on screen that too in continuous repetition each after 5 min. 

I literally saw school children (including fellow Indian kids) watching it. When innocent hearts gets exposed to content  like this, It's a value system failure for sure !

I've seen here, some parents don't even mind smoking tobacco adjacent to their own little babies , which proves the presence of  insensitivity and ignorance in European cultures .

This is similar to animal's nature , just like Snake who eats its own eggs when hungry.

Anyways , with a heavy heart , I came back at home and  wrote an email to DSB bus service,  they advised  to write it to Movia, the Ad agency  .

I somehow managed to find their website and file the complaint . Here's the link.. 

I forgot to save the actual complaint form , so  sharing a rough note here. 

 It was very unfortunate  to see obscene Ads onscreen in a public bus today where even small school children travel daily.
I request DSB or  video makers to verify  appropriateness of content before screening them publicly in public transport keeping in mind that people from all cultural background and  ages travel in these buses. I will be thankful , if  you could  address my concern. " Please reply at earliest.

Ok , Now , I must appreciate ,they replied to my SR with an apology and conveyed , it will be taken care of . Danes are thoughtful , I acknowledged. 

I was relieved , but despite , same Ad ran for a month  later ( must have been paid for already), although it's been an year now, I see general clips only. 

But what a damage such content does to one's character subtly. Hope people responsible for it understand and prior consciousness over money & ill-fame .

The same screen can be used to show civilized content but obscenity is what public is served. 

If you live in Europe and find similar things , kindly write feedbacks to them.

Often , I feel , rising Atheism in European countries has made them insensitive towards the ecosystemThat is why , I also feel 'Yog' as a subject & knowledge of Bhagvat Geeta  is needed to uplift collective consciousness here .

May Bharat be 'Vishwaguru' soon! 


Friday 10 November 2023

Uparwala v/s inside Bhagvan

'Uparwale ki marzi' , is a commonly used term in north Indian languages roughly meaning 'It's the wish of God sitting on top '.  

As per Abrahamic religions , Allah or God is sitting somewhere in seventh sky
or 'saatva aasman' and he is looking at people from there . So 'Uparwale ki marzi' resonates with this concept. 

However , very own Bhagvat Gita , Ved , Upanishads mentions the presence of Chaitanya Aatman even in the minutest molecule. It is possible , word 'atom' was derived from ancient term 'Aatman'. 

God is both form and formless and is the very life pervading in entire universe. 

Krishna ji states :

BG 15.15:  I am seated in the hearts of all living beings . 

BG 10.20 : I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings.

When Sri Krishna says it , it means the formless form of Krishna that is ParamAtman (supreme soul) is seated in hearts of everyone. That formless 'satt chit anand gyanswaroop'  supreme soul manifests in different beautiful forms .

So,  'Uparwala'  word may be revised to 'Antaryami prabhu' .

I feel ,such little change may update one's outlook towards life and its relation with divine power. So thought of sharing ! 


Wednesday 21 June 2023

Aadipurush movie - my 2 cents !

There is a story in Ramayana , where It is said ,since Raavan had supernatural powers to take any form , someone advised Raavan to take a bodily form like Ram ji  and then touch Sita ji so her chastity's is destroyed  ,thereafter he might be able to defeat Ram , but since Raavan had already tried this trick , he expressed his concerns ,he said,  "to have a form like Ram, he has to chant name of Ram and as whenever he tries to take the name of  Ram , all his lust towards Sita eventually gets destroyed , & he is unable to hold his bad intentions anymore" .

It means , even demons felt the greatness of Shri Ram ,so comparing today's actors /directors with demons might be an insult to demons itself .

भारत  ke इतिहास को  बिना  thoughtful हुए ,बिना  reverence दिए  , बिना  अध्यन्न  और स्वाध्याय  किये,मासूम  जनता  को  jo परोस  देते  है  ,  demons of कलियुग  यही  तो  हुए  ना  ?  

तुलसीदास जी कहते है , अखिल कोटि ब्रह्माण्ड नायक ,राम जी का वर्णन करने में उनके प्रिय  शिवजी और  हनुमानजी भी अपने को समर्थ नहीं पाते | 

But ,unf ,  film directors find it as a source of entertainment & earn money . This kind of mentality must be condemned.

आज का कोई भी साधारण मनुष्य , श्री  राम और सीता जी  के पवित्रता को जान पाए,  ऐसी abilities नहीं  है ,पर  फिर  भी  यदि  भक्ति  और  भाव  है , तो  audience उसे happily accept  करती है | जैसे  Ramanand sagar ने  कुछ  वर्ष  पूर्व एक serial रामायण बनाया , जो देश के जन जन की यादों से आज भी जुड़ा है |

भगवान के लीलाओं को सुनाने  का भाव ही सेवा  और  society में  VALUE based living को  Re-ESTABLISH  करने का होता है |
जब ऐसे भाव ही नहीं , तो आखिर क्या objective हो सकता है ऐसे फिल्में बनाने का ? यह निरीक्षण का विषय है |


Tuesday 16 May 2023

A vegetarian NRI

Anhad's school library issued a story book 'Green Eggs & Ham'  to him for reading at home yesterday, and I came across it today , in suspicion with title and curiosity, quickly went through it in 2 min and as anticipated found it playfully encouraging children to try eggs and ham for eating. 

The concept of being vegetarian is not understood by the writer, that's why he wrote, otherwise if any vegetarian might have written it, ham and eggs would have been replaced by fruits and vegetables

Even though ,  anhad is aware about vegetarianism, and why , that as well he understands. However ,  such books , such mindsets , such company where  eating animal is considered authority of shall one handle it.  It may simply create questions inside the innocents minds.

That is why, it is significant to understand 'why' vegetarianism.   

There are common reasons by which people justify meat eating :

1. We don't cut it , we bring it from supermarkets.
2. Even lion eat it, it's a natural life cycle. 
3. Body needs more proteins.
4. Plants also feel hurt when cut , so stop eating plants. 
5. What if everyone becomes vegetarian , won't we have another problems? 

etc ..

While the other side  is  : 

1. everything counts . Data says : 1kg beef requires 15000L of water and 1kg of chicken requires 4325L of water , so there would be lot more water on earth to go around for people.

2. Humans neither have sharpen tooth nor digestive system like a lion , so eating meat isn't natural to us.

3. There are plenty of vegetarian protein options. 

4. Plants don't have nervous system to feel the pain . Thermodynamics law states :' energy is transformed from one form to other' , the painful emotions of animals definitely transfers to its eater.

5. World will transform to a great place if everyone becomes vegetarian.
+ Earth will be saved from global warming. 

About Eggs : In poultry farms , hen is forced to produce egg everyday with use of Injections which makes changes  in her menstrual cycle. In this process, her body becomes lifeless within 2 years . People eat it for a reason that it has more proteins, however,

100 gm egg contains 13.3 gms of proteins , beans and lentils contains  24 to 43 gms of proteins .
50gm egg provides 86.5 calories , same amount of groundnut gives 229 calories.
Vitamin C present in single orange is more than that of 200 eggs.
High Cholesterol levels are found in egg yolks which can lead to heart attack.
Non vegetarian food is highly acidic in nature. If we go through studies , they cause terrible list of diseases.  

Above effects are at physical level , at inner level , I don't think such food ever allows anyone to  progress in conscious living,  a reason Europeans/Americans practicing Yoga are turning vegan . 

Nonetheless, At least in school books, they must be considerate of Vegans and Vegetarians !!


Wednesday 3 May 2023

Little essential learnings !

As experienced and learned from Satsang :

If we expect  a lot from close ones in terms of care , love , appreciation etc ? 

Truth is, there's no one who may actually care about anyone.  It's not like one intentionally won't do it or don't care but everyone at material realm have their own incapability's & limitations of understanding life .

So since, nobody cares for anybody in material world , it's ownself who have to raise oneself innately and actually care for self . But the problem is each one is tied with many others so much that one may not care to care for own. And the life ends one day!! 

This is maya of mayapati, that is why mayapati Krishna ji says in Bhagvat geeta 'mam maya durataya'.

And then again this iterative 'for loop' goes on through many more re-births until we deeply realize the dire need to end this suffering and get awaken in  absolute self. 

The liberation doesn't come on its own.

Efforts ,prayers, honesty ,austerities, surrender ,sadhusanga and compassion (compassion must not be confused with submissiveness to anyone) are needed to get liberate from material realm. 

You do them in this birth or  after many more births of sufferings and bondages , it's up-to us.

This choice is given by mayapati Bhagvan .

 Apart from it , everything else is mostly destined in our fate. 

प्रारब्ध पहले रच्यो पीछे भयो शरीर ।।* *तुलसी चिंता क्या करे भज ले श्री रघुवीर।

Om .

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Thank you !

A college friend shared it on messenger a few weeks ago.

Thank you,  means a lot !  :)

Monday 21 March 2022

Kashmir Files

If you've seen Kashmir files, you would know how unconsciously but also intentionally narratives are created to have a certain mindset within the public views. How a terrorist is named as a freedom fighter. How there's a WILL that works openly to JUSTIFY even the acts of utter shame and disguise.

Well, there's a similar narrative being created for Indian saints.

For more than10 years, constantly, a narrative against Asharamji Bapu was set in Indian minds.

So, all kinds of people who even don’t know him personally or have taken part in his discourses have some filthy opinion INTENTIONALLY created against him.

Why? because on the ground, he has been doing tremendous work to wake up Hindus, not to fight with people of other sectors, but to stand on their own SPINE, to bring the dharmic values into daily lives.

The common man who was almost made spineless with the rising consumption of drugs and alcohol in the last 4 decades had lost what even being a Hindu means. He set many of these people free from addictions. 

Jap, Dhyan, Yog, Sankirtan, these values had died almost? It was HE who brought spiritual REVOLUTION during the early 90s and beyond the 2000s in the north, WEST, and central parts of INDIA, all without taking any money. In fact, he donated money to the poor to come and listen to the scriptural values in His Satsang and provided them with free food.

To be honest, I know alcohol is normal in Indian families, men, women today. Even here the media narrative has been set to make alcohol a status symbol. and I have no problem, people have their own choices anyway, even I was one of the victims of this media narrative once.

But, we as Indians, need to make our minds free from these dangerous narratives. Dive inside own scriptures, Bhagwat Geeta, Bhagavatam, Vedanta, Shankaracharya’s scriptures, Guru Granth sahib, and there are ample scriptures by Self realized Sages of Bharat .

Kashmir files had FUELED me up to raise this once again. Thanks to the makers of KASHMIR FILES for making such a MIND-BLOWING Fact-based movie. 

I wish someday some Nationalist directors get that COURAGE to make a movie on Asharamji Bapuji REAL Life as well, who despite 80 years of old age was sent to a Lifetime sentence for NO reason when even the Judiciary LAWS won’t permit it at all.

We all are the part and parcel of that ONE. So, forgive me for any harsh words.

Thank you for reading. OM
